Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Relationship Series Post Number 3...

Blessed are the Meek, for they shall inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5)

Meek is a dirty word in our culture. Partly because we don't know what it means. Partly because we don't like the implication of what it does mean. And partly because we have an over developed sense of personal vindication.

Meek does not mean weak. It means "Power under restraint." the idea of meekness is a powerful stallion submitting to the bit in its mouth. Or an ox submitting itself to the direction given it by a yoke. It actually assumes great power. but that power is kept under control - for the best outcome of the situation. Meekness is not about personal benefit, but what we must always understand is that the common good actually improves my position in life no matter what the world would tell us. As the whole improves, my position improves with it.

And Jesus alludes t this. He says, when we keep our power under control for the good of those around us, we will inherit the earth. As Americans, we have an over developed sense of vindication, justice, and pressing our own rights. And what we are seeing is that as we choose to press our own rights globally, the rest of the world looks at us and doesn't like the US. We are called arrogant and boastful.. Is it true? probably not. Mostly not... but we appear that way because we do not keep our power under control. We leverage our position to increase our position. That will never work.

I am no political expert nor do I care to engage in a political discussion. What I can say is that there is example after example of people pressing their own rights through out history. It never works.

In relationship, we cannot be overly concerned with being right. I often meet with marriages that are in crisis. And I often say in those meetings, "Do you want to be happy? Or do you want to be right?" We get so consumed with pressing our part of an argument that we lose the reality that even if we are proven right, we will be more miserable than if we just let ourselves be wrong.

So often, I see in my own life a need to be vindicated. Justice must be served! I am right and that is that. And this notion.. this posture, is a direct afront to real genuine relationship. So the very thing that I am craving becomes the very thing that I take away from myself. That is my trophy for correctness. I am right, but alone - and miserable.

When I stay meek - power stays under control - I inherit more than I could ever imagine. So, may you be focused more on being Godly than being right. May you keep the power that you have to control people emotionally and physically under restraint. And may you experience the reality that giving your life to making people better actually makes your life better as well.


  1. So true. Something to really think about and live out. I far too often find myself getting caught up in wanting to be right... even over the smallest, silliest things. Why? So frustrating to me when I know how damaging it is.

    "Do NOTHING out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. - Phil. 2:3

    Imagine how different all of our relationships would be if we applied that one sentence to our daily lives.

  2. good stuff Tatum. It reminds me of Jesus in His Temptation in Matthew 4. Satan tells Him to turn stones into bread, which in and of itself is not evil. But it put Him in a position where He wasn't allowing God to provide. And God's provision is all we need and all we should want. When we trust that, it changes how we view people.
