Saturday, February 9, 2013

A quick thanks... To you...

So I have spent the last week in Atlanta working with churches from various backgrounds and histories.  Every church is unique. Every church has a story. They are all different sizes and shapes and leadership is unique and the challenges they face are as vast as they can be.

Here is something that hit me while sitting and visiting with some great people this week.  No matter what story is being told in your church - or my church - we all will face times when we feel like we are swinging at the ball and just hitting air. And in those times it is really easy to give up, quit, love people less, and perhaps lose our love for God and His Kingdom all together.

I want to give all of us a little encouragement. It is simple... Please, for the sake of all that is good, don't quit. And know that when you see that all you are doing feels like vanity, when you feel like you are fighting as hard as you can and you are just taking a beating, don't quit. I was abruptly reminded this week of just how much of an impact those times make on those we lead - even when we don't realize they are watching. They do watch. And they will watch you quit - or not.

Thanks for your service. God sees.  God knows. And God loves you, more than you could ever know.  May your efforts be blessed and multiplied as you serve Him.

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