Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sorry this is taking longer than I thought...

So, I have a friend in Jerusalem who is a Jewish Theology teacher at Yeshiva (university) in Jerusalem. I have a couple of specific questions about my next post that I am wanting to get some input from him on before I post so I am waiting for a response before I write.

So, here is a good blog post to keep you occupied while we all wait:


  1. Great blog post by Rachel. I follow Rachel Held Evan's blog fairly regularly and I love reading her stuff even if I don't always agree.
    Aaron, if you get a chance read another blog post of Rachel's at:
    It doesn't take long to read. It may help to clear up why I asked about the emerging/emergent church before...and why it doesn't seem to have gone the way of the buffalo if it is still influencing people like Rachel Held Evans.

    1. I guess what I don't understand is why tension and questions are so bad. Why is it so bad that she is asking internally some of the same questions that the emergent folks are asking? They are in fact great questions. And why is it also true that so many are trying to tritely answer these questions that have no simple answer?

      This is my baseline issue with fundamentalism in general. it tries to over simplify complex issues. And it slants to biased research and silly platitudes. While I may hold to most of what a classic fundamentalist would hold to, there are places for others who believe differently to come to the table and question and be a part of the conversation. I love that she is admitting growth and wonder and mystery. That is truth. Even if it doesn't feel concrete, it is real.

      And again, one of my main purposes for this whole series is to ask the real questions. And to assume that there is a simple answer for those questions denies a real understanding of what is being asked. I don't mind being labeled at all. And if emergent is the label then that is fine with me. I promise, they wouldn't have me. But if fundamentalism doesn't give me permission to challenge and wonder, then it won't have me either. Just some of my thoughts.

  2. I totally agree with what you are saying about fundamentalism! I think it is sad that there does not seem to be many people that might identify as fundamental or conservative that are willing to ask/deal with the real questions. And I am really glad and excited to see that you are. I have a lot of friends that would identify as conservative/fundamentalist, but it seems that only my friends that might identify as emergent, or authors labeled(often not labeled by themselves) as liberal or emergent, are asking the kind of questions that you are asking. Thanks for putting so much time and effort into this series...I really look forward to your upcoming posts!

    1. I think I might write a blog post about this idea...
