First, a couple of thoughts, then some explanation: there are 2 ways to answer this question... the proportional or direct way, and the inverse or consequence way. So, the direct way is Romans 12:2 says if you want to know God's will, transform yourself through the renewing of your mind. The inverse way of understanding God's will is to look at what missing the mark does, then we understand what hitting the mark should be.
I think it is less dramatic to attack it directly, however it is also less effective. The inverse way says that sin - or missing the mark - separates us. therefore, inversely, connectedness is the mark... The next question then would be does the rest of scripture corroborate that idea. And in fact it does. That is why Jesus gives us what we call the "great Commandment" or Love God and Love People. This is God's Will.
Next question... How do I love or what does it mean to love God and love people? this is where we get into the nuances of human design. You can only love God and people at the same time when you are living in your God given design. Because loving God is obedience to Him - Jesus said, "If you love Me, you will obey Me."
So, another presupposition - If God knits us together in our mother's womb, and He marks our steps for us, these two things have to be connected - our design and our path. So, alignment with God's will would be walking a God given path that would bring you across situations and circumstances that need your design for their maximum positive affect. Obedience in these moments would be Loving God and being in God's Will. It would also be me loving people. Because love then would be defined as using what God has given me to maximize and positively affect those around me. But it is still tied to my design and my faithfulness to that design.
That I guess would be the bulls-eye that I am aiming for. Acknowledgement of and alignment with my God given design for the purpose of maximizing my obedience and positive affect on those around me. This is what I will give an account for in my life. And it is me investing in the "fruit that will remain" that Jesus talks about in John 15. As I remain in Him and His words remain in Me, I will bear much fruit, but apart from Him I can do nothing.